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Yuri Silvestrov's Resume


Experience in development and management of web-programming, intranet and internet-applications.


* 11/2005 till present

Ciklum Ltd. Kharkiv, Ukraine / OSIS Ltd. Aarhus, Denmark

Project Manager

  • Customized software development Process Management.
Projects: Miscellanious:

* 03/2004 till 10/2005

"MaxBill - Ukraine" Ltd. Kharkiv, Ukraine

Project Manager, Team Leader

  • Software Design&Development Process Management
  • Project documents writing and verification (SOW, PP, DFS, DTD).
  • Development of complicated web- & business-oriented software components.
  • Porting on web-kernel MaxCare - the innovative MaxBill Customer Care system.
  • Development of web-oriented version of Account Receivable (A/R) package for MaxCare.
  • Upgrade and maintenance of MaxGL - the MaxBill Finance Management system.

* 06/2002 till 03/2004

"KIT Group" Ltd Kharkiv, Ukraine

Head of department

  • The system analysis for the upcoming IT.
  • Implementation of "KIT Group" Ltd developments.
  • Estimation of labor intensity of projects.
  • Estimation of the customers' needs in the software and technologies under development.
  • Development of complicated web-oriented software components.
  • Development of the custom ASP.NET server components for internal usage (image resizing, flexible client-side caching control, Web Progress Bar, LDAP-utilities, Relative URLs Builder etc.).
  • Development of the web-portal for the KIT Development based on Microsoft IBuySpy portal kit-group.com.
  • Development of the distant signs printing and events management system for the Steins flower markets.
  • Development of the CRM system for Affinity Marketing.

* 10/2001 till 06/2002
including the training course at the site of KIT Development, LLC (De Pere, WI, USA)

"KIT Group" Ltd Kharkiv, Ukraine

Project Manager

  • The system analysis for the upcoming IT.
  • Implementation of "KIT Group" Ltd developments.
  • Estimation of labor intensity of projects.
  • Estimation of the customers' needs in the software and technologies under development.
  • Development of intranet-version software for projects managing and accounting of the spent time.
  • Development of software for projects managing and remote interactivity with the customers.
  • Development of the second version of the system of site dynamic creation InstySite.

* 05/2001 till 10/2001

"KIT Group" Ltd Kharkiv, Ukraine

Head of department

  • The system analysis for the upcoming IT.
  • Implementation of "KIT Group" Ltd developments.
  • Estimation of labor intensity of projects.
  • Estimation of the customers' needs in the software and technologies under development.
  • Development of complex web-oriented software components.
  • Design and development of site creation dynamic system like Site Creator.
  • Participation in design and development of intranet-system of catalogue and management for material values.
  • Development of system for project management, intended for development and management of Web software.

* 10/2000 till 05/2001

"KIT Group" Ltd Kharkiv, Ukraine

Software Engineer

  • Writing HTML-code and JavaScript.
  • Writing, fixing and testing of sophisticated software for Web in Perl, ASP (JavaScript) languages.
  • Development of crandonoffroad.com site with dynamic system of documents publishing, separation of contents from presentation and automatic reference of hyperlinks to publications.
  • Participation in design and development of intranet-system of catalogue and management for material values.
  • Development of system for accounting and management of actual working time.
  • Design and development of dynamic system for site creation like Site Creator.
  • Participation in development of open-source DynAPI library.

* 08/1995 till 12/2000

JS "Fevral", PE "Kolos", AP "Zemlia" Kharkiv, Ukraine


  • Administrating and maintenance of office equipment.
  • Creation of plane databases for the enterprise's activity partial automation.
  • Development of system for automation of training courses (within diploma project).


* 09/1994- 07/1999

Kharkov State University

Department: Mechanics and Mathematics, Speciality: Mathematical modeling and PC software


* 11/2001 – 06/2002

Internet marketing and advanced technologies course at the site of KIT Development, LLC (De Pere, WI, USA)

* 05/2001 - 06/2001, 10/2001

Additional English course.


Computer Skills:

  • Knowledge of modern technologies of development and integration of projects based on the standards and technologies.
    • Design patterns
    • UML
    • Extreme Programming

Working skills:

  • Project management software
    • Microsoft Project
    • Windows Planner
  • Groupware
    • TWiki
    • Media Wiki
  • Platforms
    • IBM PC
  • OS
    • MS-DOS
    • Windows 3.11
    • Windows 95
    • Windows NT
    • Windows 2000
    • Windows XP
    • Free BSD
    • Linux
    • MySQL
    • Oracle
    • MS SQL
    • InterBase
  • Programming Languages
    • C#
    • C/C++
    • Perl
    • PHP
    • SQL/92
    • JavaScript
    • ASP
    • ASP.NET
  • Development Tools
    • Sybase Power Designer
    • Enterprise Architect
    • Visual Studio 6
    • Visual Studio.NET 2002, 2003, 2005, 2008
    • XMLSpy
    • NAnt
    • NUnit
    • NDepend
  • Version control system
    • Subversion
    • CVS
  • Languages:
    • russian - fluent
    • ukrainian - fluent
    • english - fluent


Birthday: 17-02-1978

Marital Status: not married

Citizenship: Ukrainian

military rank: lieutenant in reserve


I like to write poems. I was twice awarded at the Kharkov Region's Young Poets Contest; and have some publications.

I have some awards at the Ukrainian-wide and Kharkov intellectual games championships "What? Where? When?" and "Brein-Ring" (among with my command "Gera")


e-mail: yuriy@silvestrov.com

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E-mail: yuriy@silvestrov.com * ICQ 56089061 * Phone: (+380 572)64-96-09