Welcome! * Добро Пожаловать!

My projects Resume Articles Download Links


You're welcome as always on my home page. Let's introduce ourselves! My name is Yuriy Silvestrov. I'd to position myself as a project manager who likes to play intellectual games and write poems and stories. Hope you'd like being here!


09.12.2008 Updated Articles chapter. Added materials for "Introduction to Project Management" lections course.

14.03.2008 New project added - XSD Config Section Generator.

30.10.2007 Added Articles chapter and the first article - Common C# programming pitfalls.

29.01.2007 Updated Projects: PHP SSI Counter. Added list of websites that are using my counter.

07.09.2006 Updated Download chapter - new version of customized distributution for SciTE is avilable.

28.07.2006 Added Download chapter. For now you could download customized distributution of the text editor SciTE.

27.07.2006 Added information about current employer and projects into the Resume chapter.

27.07.2006 Started moving the site to the new domain yuriy.silvestrov.com.

17.04.2005 The Resume chapter has been updated.

29.12.2003 New version of PHP SSI Counter can log your site visitors. Zipped version is also available.

06.08.2003 New project added - PHP SSI Counter.

05.08.2003 Site is online. Enjoy!

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E-mail: yuriy@silvestrov.com * ICQ 56089061 * Phone: (+380 572)64-96-09